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Insights And Stories: The Give IT. Get IT. Blog

Empowering Communities Through Technology Education

Learn more about what give IT. get IT. is doing in the community, read educational blogs, watch helpful videos and more.

  • Introducing Tech Reuse Credits – recycling with give IT get IT just got even better

    • Date: December 8, 2020
    • Category: Build IT , get IT , give IT , learn IT , News , Uncategorized , Videos

    Before we describe how Tech Reuse Credits are going to transform our recycling services, let us provide a brief summary of our services for people who are just learning about us: give IT. get IT. is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing digital inclusion (low and no cost personal computers with training and support for […]

  • GOT IT: How a computer is helping a struggling designer create a new life for herself

    • Date: November 9, 2020
    • Category: Build IT , get IT , give IT , learn IT , News , Uncategorized , Videos

    In last month’s Got IT feature, we told the story of a woman who left an abusive relationship with no money to her name and needed a computer to help her start a new life. This month, another brave woman named Heather Clarke has agreed to share the difficulties she’s experienced in her life and […]

  • GOT IT | How a computer is helping a single mom find her strength

    • Date: October 4, 2020
    • Category: Build IT , get IT , give IT , learn IT , News , Uncategorized , Videos

    Overcoming the feelings of fear, guilt and failure make leaving an abusive relationship difficult for any woman. Now imagine being on disability, having three children under the age of 13 and you haven’t worked in years. That’s exactly the situation one of our Got IT clients stared down and is in the process of overcoming. […]

  • Correction: EVERY student at KVCC can afford a computer

    • Date: September 10, 2020
    • Category: Build IT , get IT , give IT , learn IT , News , Uncategorized , Videos

    This post is inspired by a mistake in our recent newsletter. The other day, we sent an email newsletter to our client base and supporters. In an effort to underscore the urgent need for reusable PCs and laptops, we stated that 100 students at Kennebec Valley Community College missed the first day of classes because […]

  • CNN shines a spotlight on laptop computer shortage

    • Date: September 7, 2020
    • Category: Build IT , get IT , give IT , learn IT , News , Uncategorized , Videos

    At give IT. get IT., we provide tools and opportunities in the form of PC’s and laptop computers for people who are going through a tough time. People who have been laid off, people seeking a fresh start from a bad relationship, people who didn’t do well in high school or dropped out of college […]