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Even during the course of minimal daily use, a computer screen is a dust magnet. Add in the additional threats from morning coffee, working lunches and the curious hands of little co-workers and we’ve seen some pretty nasty screens in our day. Since most of our clients are students who need to take their computers […]
Give IT | Reconnecting with MEMIC to promote digital inclusion Thanks to a recent experience with our friends at MEMIC, we’ve learned that maintaining good business relationships is a lot like waiting tables in a restaurant. Most of the time, it’s great to simply bring your customers what they ask for without being noticed so […]
Before we describe how Tech Reuse Credits are going to transform our recycling services, let us provide a brief summary of our services for people who are just learning about us: give IT. get IT. is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing digital inclusion (low and no cost personal computers with training and support for […]
In last month’s Got IT feature, we told the story of a woman who left an abusive relationship with no money to her name and needed a computer to help her start a new life. This month, another brave woman named Heather Clarke has agreed to share the difficulties she’s experienced in her life and […]
Overcoming the feelings of fear, guilt and failure make leaving an abusive relationship difficult for any woman. Now imagine being on disability, having three children under the age of 13 and you haven’t worked in years. That’s exactly the situation one of our Got IT clients stared down and is in the process of overcoming. […]